Spooky Spins Cheats
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I don’t know about you guys, but I am always looking forward to special events in Animal Jam. This month, the Night of the Phantoms event has taken over Jamaa, and we are seeing updates coming in left and right. The Night of the Phantoms event is based on Halloween; every location in the game is decorated with spooky props, and shops are filled with Halloween themed items.
Yesterday, AJHQ released a new update. The Spooky Snow Leopard has finally arrived! This cool animal has the Night of the Phantoms theme written all over it, and even has a trail of ghosts, pumpkins and bats following it. Today, we are going to take a better look at the Spooky Snow Leopard, see what it looks like up close and what kind of special abilities and actions it has.
Spooky Snow Leopard Pictures
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The Spooky Snow Leopard was first released into Animal Jam on September 27, 2018. However, the only way to obtain it was by purchasing an AJ membership during the month of October. In the update of yesterday, October 11, 2018, AJHQ has made the animal available in the Diamond Shop. You do need a membership to get one of these amazing leopards for yourself! If you do have a membership, just head on over to the Diamond Shop and purchase one for yourself.
To purchase a Spooky Snow Leopard, you need to click on the giant statue in the center of the Diamond Shop. Just like any other members-only animal that is sold at the Diamond Shop, the leopard also costs 10 Diamonds. Give your leopard a cool name and click on the buy button!
I have taken some pictures to show you guys what the leopard’s special abilities and actions look like. Just like all animals, the leopard can Sit, Dance, Play, Hop and Sleep.
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The Sit ability makes it sit on its behind, back paws are folded up and front paws are pushed forward. It sits with its chest puffed up, like the majestic animal that it is.
The Play ability makes it stand up and do fighting moves, chopping around and then jumps to do a backflip. After the backflip, it starts over and continues doing fighting moves.
The Hop ability makes it jump up high and go back down. It seems like it is using its tail to do so.
The Dance ability makes it move from one side to the other, and back. While doing so, it moves its arms up and down, in a thrusting movement.
Lastly, the Sleep ability makes the leopard lay down and close its eyes. Its head is resting on its paws, and its tail is twitching slightly.
Spooky Snow Leopard Codes for Animal Jam
Now that you have seen what the Spooky Snow Leopard looks like, I bet you want to get one too. It is quite easy to purchase one, especially if you are already a member. If you don’t have 10 Diamonds, you can simply collect some by using your daily spins. The Snow Leopard will be available at the Diamond Shop for a few more weeks, so there is no hurry to get one just yet.
If you are looking for Spooky Snow Leopard codes, I have some bad news for you. After doing some research, it doesn’t seem like there are any codes available for this animal. If AJHQ does end up releasing any animal codes, I will make sure to update this post and tell you guys about it. Currently, the only way to get the Spooky Snow Leopard is by purchasing it using Diamonds.
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- game.workspace.ItemFolder.WhiteKey.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, -2)
- game.workspace.ItemFolder.WhiteKey.Transparency = '0'
- game.workspace.ItemFolder.WhiteKey.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance = '15'
- game.workspace.ItemFolder.Hammer.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, -4)
- game.workspace.ItemFolder.KeyCode.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, -6)
- game.workspace.ItemFolder.Wrench.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, -8)