God Of Luck And Fortune

When you are feeling down on your luck, all you need do is look above. Here are 11 powerful prayers for good luck. Along with the prayers are printable images for you to use or share.

  1. God Of Luck And Fortune
  2. Celtic God Of Luck
  3. Greek Goddess Of Fortune
  4. 7 Gods Of Good Fortune
  5. Hindu God Of Luck

A Prayer for Luck in Public Health Crisis
Dear God, no sickness or disease can exist in Your presence. You heal by Your very word. Alas, a grave illness has broken out upon the earth. It is causing great chaos among the nations as governments and leaders attend to slow its spread. Lord, I pray for good luck amid this public health crisis. Shield my family and friends from the scourge of this disease. Give us wisdom and good fortune to be at the right place at the right time. For only You have the power to provide an answer to this sickness. Grant this to Your servant, Lord. Amen.

Good Fortune Prayer
Lord God, like any loving Father, You want the best for Your children. You teach us what unconditional love is through Your son Jesus. Thus, I pray for Your good favor in this life. Give me the means and circumstances to care for my family, property, and neighbor. Give me a thankful disposition so that I may not forget that You are the hand that provides all things. Above all, allow me to endure all things with the fruit of Your holy spirit, which You have poured out on all people. Amen.

A Prayer to Open Doors
Lord Jesus, nothing good in this world comes apart from Your gracious hand. Despite my efforts, I cannot change my fate. No amount of planning or preparation can add a single day to my life. Therefore, bless me, Lord. Give me good health and well-being. Open doors in my life that lead to a good fortune so that all my endeavors in this life might be glorifying to You. I pray this in Your boundless mercy. Amen.

A Prayer for Financial Fortune
All-powerful Father, You teach us in Your word to be good stewards of money. Yet, it seems that my financial situation is dire. Every time I seem to get ahead, I run into some sort of calamity which puts financial stress upon me. I want to be able to be financially stable, Lord, so that I can be a good witness to my family and financially help my neighbor. Therefore, I pray for good luck and financial strength. Keep and uphold my house, vehicle, and place of employment so that I can make the most of every dollar I earn. Help me to be a better steward of money so that I can better serve You. Amen.

Hotei (布袋) is the god of fortune, guardian of children, patron of diviners and barmen, and also the god of popularity. He is depicted as a fat, smiling, bald man with a curly moustache. He always appears half-naked, as his clothes are not wide enough to cover his enormous belly.

A Prayer to Avoid Calamity
Righteous Savior, I feel so often as if misfortune seems to follow me. What’s worse is that it seems that the wicked prosper, while Your servant is downtrodden. I do not know if I can handle another setback. Therefore, guard me against all calamity. Give me the wisdom and the foresight to avoid bad decisions, and place myself in a position to be more fortunate. God grant me this prayer. Amen.

Oct 27, 2019 A son of Demeter by Iasion, Plutus is the Greek god associated with wealth; he is also tasked with choosing who deserves good fortune. Aristophanes says in his comedy, The Plutus, that he was blinded by Zeus, who hoped that removing Plutus' sight would allow him to make his decisions in an unbiased manner, and select recipients more fairly. 9: Abundantia – Roman Goddess of Abundance, Luck and Prosperity. Abundantia was regarded as the personification of money, prosperity and wealth in the ancient Roman religion. As part of the propaganda that supported the Roman Emperor Reign, Abundantia was depicted as the embodiment of Roman virtues. Good luck spells, symbols and charms have been used since ages to ward off evil (negative energy vibrations) and attract good fortune (positive energy vibrations), be it in the form of money, success, health, beauty, love or fame. A Prayer for Luck in Public Health Crisis Dear God, no sickness or disease can exist in Your presence. You heal by Your very word. Alas, a grave illness has broken out upon the earth. It is causing great chaos among the nations as governments and leaders attend to slow its spread. Lord, I pray for good luck amid this public health crisis.

A Prayer for Favor
Eternal Father, let me boldly approach Your throne of grace to petition Your good favor. I beg of You to set my path before me. Layout my steps that I might walk in Your blessed light. Send Your traveling mercies to preserve me in all my comings and goings. Surely, Your graciousness shall follow me during even the darkest moments of my life. Therefore, do not turn Your face away from me, but continue to smile upon me so that others might see Your wonderful deeds in my life and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Shine Upon Me Prayer
God of Increase, it is within You that we live, move, and have our being. From You, all life comes, and all abundance prospers. Therefore, I ask that You shield me from all folly and carelessness. Give me wisdom and good fortune, so that I can apply sound principles according to Your statutes. Help me to meditate on Your commands, so that I am not tempted to fall into the Devil’s snares. Shine upon me with Your renewing grace and give me a sound and sober mind. Amen.

A Prayer for Better Luck
Lord of the Highest Heavens, remember not my transgressions and forgive me of my many transgressions with which I have ever offended You. I need Your powerful hand to manifest in my life. I have made bad decisions. I have squandered the good gifts You have given me and I want to do better. Lord, send better luck my way so that I have more opportunity to redeem my situation. Send solid friends and mentors into my life who can help me get back on my feet. You are a God who never fails to keep His promises. Amen.

A Prayer for Divine Provision
Heavenly Father, who can explain Your ways or understand Your nature? You are a God who defies all explanation. You weave Your providence through the universe in incredible ways. Lord, I pray that You weave Yourself into the tapestry of my life. Provide good luck and opportunity for my family, that we might have greater means to spread Your gospel to all we encounter. Amen.

A Prayer for a Special Opportunity
Faithful God, there sits before me an opportunity that I am very excited about. Although I am excited and thankful for this opportunity, I am nervous about being able to execute it to the best of my ability. Therefore, I ask that You send Your Holy Spirit to guide and uphold me. Provide for me the right words to say and good luck for the endeavor. Help me to network with the right people, so that I can make the most of the opportunity that You have provided. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.

A Prayer to Change My Situation
Lord Jesus, my Savior, I am thankful for all the good things You have given me. I have my health, my family, friends, and a loving church community. However, I feel as though I am stagnant in my situation. I have not experienced growth or any good luck in quite some time. My financial situation is not good. Thus, I petition You to radically shake things up in my life. Give me good luck and better spirits, that I might be in a position to receive good fortune through Your providing hand. Amen.

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Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Masters Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years.

Good luck: we all probably want more of it, but it just seems so hard to get a hold of!

While witches can’t conjure luck on command—it’s pretty random, after all—there are ways to enhance the serendipitous moments in our lives. Luck is a special type of spiritual energy, and if there’s one thing Wiccans know how to do, it’s work with energy.

Greek god of luck and fortune

When it comes to harnessing this energy, symbols are incredibly important. They provide a physical representation of something that we can’t access with our five senses.

God Of Luck And Fortune

They are the link between the spiritual world and ours.

So, if you’re looking to bring a bit more luck into your life, symbols are a good place to start!

The following six Wiccan symbols for good luck are by no means the only ones you can use, but they are some of the most popular and powerful. By incorporating them into your spells and rituals or simply decorating your surroundings with them, you open yourself up to all the lucky, happy accidents that the universe has to offer!

Four-Leaf Clover

The four-leaf clover is a symbol that most people, witches and non-witches alike, associate with luck and fortune. And for good reason too—clover has about a .01% of having four leaves!

It’s a nice, natural bit of serendipity.

Within Wicca specifically, you can use an actual four-leaf clover or clover imagery in spells that involve either love or money. I’m sure we all wish we had a little more luck in those areas.

However, the four-leaf clover is one symbol that doesn’t even require a spell at all—simply slip one into your pocket or purse and carry around lucky vibes with you all day!

Triple Spiral

The triple spiral (also known as a triskele) is one of the oldest symbols found in Celtic art and iconography. During its history, this symbol has been used to attract and harness different kinds of spiritual energy, but it’s especially good for matters of luck.

One interpretation of the triple spiral is that each of its three branches represents one aspect of the Triple Goddess, the most important female deity within Wicca. When approached from this angle, it functions as a symbol of protective good luck. It’s a sign that the Goddess is watching over you.

(To learn more about the Triple Goddess, be sure to check out our article on Wiccan deities.)

Celtic God Of Luck

However, we can also think of the triple spiral as representing the connection between body, mind, and spirit. When these three elements found within us are in harmony with one another, we open ourselves up to the serendipity and good fortune that the universe has to offer.


When we use a key in real life, what’s the point?

Chinese seven lucky gods

To unlock a door.

From that explanation alone, you can begin to see why keys are frequently used by Wiccans, witches, and other pagans as a symbol of luck. They represent potential opportunities waiting to be discovered.

Greek Goddess Of Fortune

You’ll sometimes see witches use a group of three keys as a good luck talisman. This represents finding luck in the three major areas of life—health, wealth, and love.

The Number Three

We’ve already seen the number three pop up a few times in our other symbols, and that’s because it’s one of the luckiest numbers around.

Most commonly, three is associated with wealth and material prosperity, but you can use it to attract other types of good energy. For example, in traditional Chinese culture, the number three is associated with well-liked people who are charismatic, creative, and have high self-esteem.

Try incorporating items in groups of three into your spells—three candles, three gems, etc.—to give them a little boost from the positive vibes that three provides.

Additionally, multiples of three—like six, nine, and twelve—also possess its luck-giving qualities.


The horseshoe is another symbol of luck that extends far beyond the realm of Wicca. But there are still plenty of witchy ways to incorporate it into your practice!

7 Gods Of Good Fortune

A horseshoe that’s hung facing up over the front door of a home is thought to provide protection to those inside. Similarly, you can use a horseshoe as a protective talisman in other contexts as well—it doesn’t have to be nailed down to something in order to work its magick.

Even if you don’t want to use an actual horseshoe, you can still use it for protective purposes. Burning a black candle with a horseshoe symbol carved into it will help to banish negativity and other bad feelings.

Five-Pointed Star

The five-pointed star shows up virtually everywhere in Wicca, and it’s a symbol with a diverse set of meanings, including luck.

As sailors once used the north star to guide their journeys across the ocean, we too can use stars as a way to guide our path in life. Using stars as part of divination spells and rituals will help you tap into that source of spiritual direction.


Within witchcraft, we often talk about the always-turning wheel of life. As we live our lives, we slowly make our journey around this wheel. And as we all know, some parts of this journey are better than others.

The wheel makes a good symbol of luck because it reminds us that bad luck isn’t permanent—the wheel is always turning, remember. Its power gives us the strength to press on to better days.

On the other hand, the wheel also helps us to appreciate those times of good luck. Just like bad luck, good luck doesn’t last forever, either. So, gratitude for the good times in life is always something we should be striving for.

Read More

To learn more about Wiccan symbols and how to use them in your own spiritual journey, be sure to check out our other article: 10 Wiccan Symbols Every Witch Should Know.

If you’d like to know about new articles and other news from Explore Wicca, be sure to sign up for our mailing list. When you do, you’ll receive a free color correspondence chart—it’s perfect for enhancing your magick through the power of color!

Hindu God Of Luck

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