17 Days Left

Stay informed about available tenders you should be bidding for. Get up to the minute information about available projects for bidding. Time is running out for the halls of Horace Mann Middle School to be ready for students to fill them. The campus has been under construction since it was set on fire on Independence Day.

Today the day started with a very nice breakfast buffet at a nearby hotel. Roy and I woke up hungry and started contemplating what should we have for breakfast. We didn’t have much in the fridge so the options were either go to the super market, buy stuff and prepare something or go for the buffet. We opted for the second option. Ready, nice food -did I mention we LOVE buffets?- and the hotel is closer than the super market.

Traces of new coronavirus were found on surfaces in cruise-ship cabins for as many as 17 days after passengers left, researchers said, though it wasn’t possible to determine whether they caused any. You've been gone 17 days. The main drag is knowing that. You're holding someone else tight. I wanna to call u everyday.

I wanted to take care of some errands afterwards but the heat, a full stomach and even the thought of walking another extra 10′ to go to the bank, wait in queue and walk another 10′ back, refrained me from going there. I now understand how old people might feel and that it can be, indeed, a BIG thing to leave home and just walk as far as to the next corner.

I also wanted to see a friend today and her little one so I preferred to go back home, let the food sink in, and then go see them. I needed to save energy for this extra “short” walk for normal people and “long” walk for 37+ weeks pregnant women. You see, her place is just on the next street from mine but even this feels like climbing a mountain! OK, I might now be exaggerating a little bit but I have the right to do it. After all, being pregnant is always a good excuse for complaining -just- a little bit :). So I stayed home for a few hours, ate a banana to fuel up my body machine (they say it gives you energy for sport activities (!) and left home.

My friend’s son is now 7 months and I hadn’t seen him for 2 weeks. I was very surprised to see how much he changed within such a short time! He can now stand, sit, make clear grimaces, say “papa”, “mama” and “mam” (I guess for food? not sure if this is international for all babies…!) and has learnt how to eat solids properly. I even managed to feed him! That was a first one for me. Thanks A. for letting me do that 🙂

We then had a nice lunch at her place with some girlfriends of hers and I went crazy with the desert, a delicious ice-cream cake. Although after having ate I felt there was no more space left in my stomach, I somehow managed to fit in there 2 1/2 pieces of cake…! No wonder why I now need to stay in bed and rest. Movie time and feet placed up high on a pillow!

Have a good afternoon xxx

Category: Countdown to Erik's birth


17 Days Left On Gi Bill

We’re counting down the days until Castle Crashers is released, which is in 17 days! In preparation for this day we’ve been putting together some awesome promotional banners that can be used just about anywhere. So if you want to help us out grab any of the three images below and plaster them anywhere you can think of to help spread the word. If you do end up using the images below please try to link them back to castlecrashers.com

We’ve also put up our official countdown timer over at castlecrashers.com so please stop by and check it out. It’s all epic looking and the music makes you feel special inside. (or not)

17 Days Left Image

